National Interviews with Dr. Kotlerman
Professional Interviews with
Dr. Kotlerman

Transform Your Health
Averio Neurological & Spinal Exercises
Marching in Place: front view
Marching in Place: side view
Marching in Place: back view
Cross in front of your body: front view
Cross in front of your body: side view
Cross in front of your body: back view
Cross away from your body: front view
Cross away from your body: side view
Cross away from your body: back view
Side-Step: front view
Side-Step: side view
Side-Step: back view
“Cross-Country Skiing”: front view
“Cross-Country Skiing”: side view
“Cross-Country Skiing”: back view
Spinal Stretches: front view
Spinal Stretches: side view
Neck Extensions
Neck Circles
Knee Circles: front view
Knee Circles: side view
Hip Circles: front view
Hip Circles: side view
Spinal Stretches & Neurological Exercises Download
Educational Videos
#1 Easiest, Healthy Raw Breakfast
#1 Easiest, Healthy Lunch
How To Use Your Buckwheat Pillow
The Importance Of Sleep
Averio Whole Package Tea
How To Use Your Denneroll
How To Make Sprouts
Continuing Your Education
- “The Holy Bible”
- “My Utmost for His Highest” Oswald Chambers
- “Two Old Women” Velma Wallis
- “Seeing Magic” Dr. Sarah Kotlerman
- “Wings of Wisdom” Catherine Pulsifer
- “Little Book of Mother Teresa” Sangeet Duchane
- “Exceptional Health: You Can Have It!” Dr. Sarah Kotlerman, AHI
- “Discover Your Amazing Brain: Health From the Inside Out” Anna Martin, AHI
- “A Journey into Miracles” Dr. Randy Baze
- “Nature’s First Law: The Raw Food Diet” Arlin Dino Wolfe
- “The Story of Mable Health Palmer” Alana Callender
- “Prairie Thunder” Dr. Leo L. Spears
- “Plague of Corruption” Dr. Judy Mikovitz & Heckenlively
- “Contain and Eliminate” Howard Wolinsky
- “The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies” Nicole Apelian
- “A Look at Chiropractic Spinal Correction” L.N. Toffness, D.C.
- “Chiropractic Compassion and Expectation” Terry Rondberg, Timothy Feuling
- “The Body Electric” Robert O. Becker
- “How not to Diet” Dr. Michael Greger
- “Chiropractic in New Zealand” Palmer College Chiropractic
- “Images of Human Behavior” Daniel G. Amen
- “The Posture Principles” Dr. Krista Burns and Dr. Mark Wade
- “Wake up Humans” Dr. Steve Judson
- “The Remarkable Truth about Chiropractic” Jeff S. Williams, D.C.
- “The Brain’s Way of Healing” Norman Doidge, M.D.
- “Survival of the Sickest” Dr. Sharon Moalem
- “Dentistry without Mercury” Sam Ziff, Michael Ziff
- “Man’s Greatest Gift to Man…Chiropractic” F.P. DeGiacomo
- “Tell Your Children” Alex Berenson
- “Align” Denis R. Paris
- “Crooked” Forest Maready
- “One Bone at a Time” Alison Seely
- “What do you do with a problem?” Kobi Yamada
- “What do you do with an idea?” Kobi Yamada
- “Why you get sick and how your brain can fix it” Richard G. Barwell
- “The true power of Chiropractic” Ingham
- “The Chiropractor Protege” Faulkner
- “A Shot in the Dark” Coulter and Fisher
- “Foot and Ankle Pain” F.A. Davis
- “Knee pain and Disabilities” F.A. Davis
- “Low back pain syndrome” F.A. Davis
- “Shoulder Pain” F.A. Davis
- “You are as young as your spine” Editha Hearn
- “Why Christians Get Sick” Rev. George Malkmus
- “God’s Way to Ultimate Health” Rev. George Malkmus
- “Twenty-One Days to Health the Hallelujah Diet Way” Chet Day
- “Y2K the Hallelujah Acres Way” Rev. George Malkmus
- “Sprouts: The Miracle Food” Steve Meyerowitz
- “Enzyme Nutrition” Dr. Edward Howell
- “Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill” Udo Erasmus
- “Diet for a New America” John Robbins
- “Diet for a New World” John Robbins
- “The China Project” T. Colin Campbell, Thomas M. Campbell
- “Reclaiming Our Health” John Robbins
- “How to Grow More Vegetables” John Jeavens
- “Square Foot Gardening” Mel Bartholomew
- “The Art of War” Sun Tzu
- “The Honeymoon Affect” Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
- “The Gerson Therapy” Gerson and Walker
- “Eat to Live” Joel Fuhrman
- “Biology of Belief” Bruce Lipton
- “Wahls Protocol” Terry Wahls, M.D.
- “Younger Next Year” Crowley and Lodge
- “Fasting for Spiritual Breathrough” Elmer Towns
- “Magnesium Factor” Seelig and Rosanoff
- “Fat Land” Greg Critser
- “The Big Fat Suprise” Nina Tiecholz
- “Edible and Medicinal Plants of the Rockies” Linda Kershaw
- “Mad Cowboy” Howard Lyman
- “Alaska’s Wild Plants” Janice Shofield
- “Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants” Bradford Angier
- “Edible Wild Plants” John Kallas
- “The Deerholme Foraging Book” Bill Jones
- “Eating on the Wild Side” Jo Robinson
- “The Boreal Herbal” Beverly Gray
Whole Food, Plant Based Recipe Books:
- “Wholefood Recipes for Restoring Health” Lisa Martin, AHI
- “More Wholefood Recipes for Restoring Health” Lisa Martin, AHI
- “Recipes for Life, from God’s Garden” Rhonda Malkmus
- “Recipes for Longer Life” Ann Wigmore
- “Fresh Vegetables and Fruit Juices” Dr. N.W. Walker
*in no particular order.
Healthcare / Educational:
- Health For Our Future, Averio Health Institute!
- Doctored
- Bought
- Genetic Roulette
- The Greater Good
- People Vs. The State of Illusion
- Biology of Belief
- The Biology of Perception / The Psychology of Change
- Forks Over Knives
- Simply Raw
- Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead
- Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2
- Food, Inc.
- How to Eliminate Sickness, Rev. George Malkmus
- God’s Way to Ultimate Health Seminar, Rev. George Malkmus
- High Energy Diet
- Cancer Doesn’t Scare Me Anymore, Dr. Lorraine Day
- Fed Up
- Dirt! The Movie
Youtube Video’s:
- How to Give an A – Ben Zander
- Pottenger’s Cat Study
- Your body language may shape who you are – Amy Cuddy
- 100 year Old Lady
- Bionic Burger
- Il Silenzio – Andre Rieu
- Diet for a New America – John Robbins
- You can Grow New Brain Cells – Sandrine Thuret
- Shingles Vaccine Dr. Christine Northrup
- An Introduction to a Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet – Dr. Lim
- Minding Your Mitochondria -Dr. Terry Wahls
- How Eating Plants Changed My Life – How it Could Change Yours – Nimai Delgado
These are high-quality suggested food resources:
- Honest Raw Honey
- Raw, Manuka Honey
- Loose-leaf Green and White tea
- Loose-leaf, iced tea options from Hawaii
- Olive Oil
- Raw, Gluten Free Oats
- Broccoli Sprouts and Sprouting Supplies
- Seaweed
- Organic, sprouted (i.e. soaked and then dehydrated) nuts, etc.
- High Quality Vanilla
- Almond Cow Milk Maker
- Kona Sea Salt
- Organic Spices
- Fermented, Sourdough Pasta
These suggested resources are for high-quality and long lasting kitchen tools for making whole-food, plant-based meals in your own kitchen:
- Vitamix Blender
- Food Processor
- Dehydrator
- Non-toxic pots and pans
- Freeze Dryers – great for storing and saving food away in a healthy form.
These suggested resources are clean and toxin free. In other words, they don’t pollute your body with unnecessary chemicals:
Not many air filters accomplish the goal they set out on; but having clean air is imperative in a toxic World. Our current, researched favorite is:
Juicers come in all sizes, styles, and speed. When choosing a juicer; we highly recommend starting by reading “The Bailey Report”.
Some great, Group B juicer options, as immediate extraction include:
Group N from the Bailey Report is the Norwalk Juicer.
*Note: look for juicers on the Used Market: such as Craigslist, Offer Up, etc. Often people buy great juicers that they barely use, and sell at discounted prices.
Drinking clean, unpolluted water is essential, here are a few suggested resources for water filtration:
Sleep is your opportunity to let your body heal and regenerate. Getting a good night’s sleep could include investing in some of the suggested resources below:
- Gel Matrix mattresses
- Wool mattresses encapsulated in 100% organic cotton
- Buckwheat pillows, available through Averio.
*Note: if you purchase a buckwheat pillow through Averio, the company standardly overfills the pillow. Thus, by keeping the extra buckwheat hulls in a ziploc bag that you take out of your pillow to customize to your head and neck, and do a little home sewing – you usually have enough hulls for a kids pillow or a travel pillow. A 2 for 1 bonus! Check out our educational video above on “How to use your Buckwheat Pillow” for more information.